Vita-D 50,000 i.u, 15 tablets – Synergy

Vitamin D3 50,000 IU is ideal for those who have difficulty achieving and maintaining peak vitamin D levels. For those who require an immediate boost in their vitamin D status, the vitamin D3 50,000 IU formulation is a convenient, effective way to get the substantial support they need.


Cholecalciferol 50,000 Iu Vitamin D Is A Fat-Soluble Vitamin Produce In The Body As A Result F Exposure Of Our Skin To Ultraviolet Rays From The Sun. Vitamin D Is Essential For Health And Well-Being, Especially For The Maintenace Of Healthy Bones And Teeth. A Supplement Is Often Considered By Individuals With Limited Exposure To The Sun.

Vitamin D3 50000 IU is made for those people who cannot afford the high levels and peak of vitamin D levels.

For people who deficiency of vitamin D and requires an immediate increase in their vitamin D levels, then this supplement is best for them.

Vitamin D capsules are made with effective formulation and are convenient to take and support the overall health of humans.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that produces in the body when you expose to the sun, and it is essential for overall health and well-being. But people who have a deficiency of vitamin D can fulfill the requirements with the help of supplements.

It is essential for healthy bones and teeth. It increases the absorption of calcium in the body and boosts the health of bones, and makes them strong.

Vitamin D helps to boost immunity and muscular health. It protects you from foreign invaders and different diseases by keeping the immune system strong and active.

Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin because it is produced in the body when your skin is exposed to the sun. It is essential for every cell of the body for proper functioning.

It is the best vitamin D supplement, and it is non-GMO. It contains no harmful ingredients, parabens, and phthalates. It is also essential for cardiovascular health.