Melts® Restful Sleep

100% Plant Based Melatonin (5mg) meets Valerian Root and L-Theanine to calm your nerves, provide insomnia relief, help you get deep sleep every night and aid your body’s natural process to fall asleep.

Insomnia Relief  Insomnia Relief
Sound Sleep  Sound Sleep
Regulate Sleep Cycle  Regulate Sleep Cycle
Relax and Calm Mind   Relax and Calm Mind


100% Plant Based Melatonin (5mg) meets Valerian Root and L-Theanine to calm your nerves, provide insomnia relief, help you get deep sleep every night and aid your body’s natural process to fall asleep.

How to consume?

Place a melts®️ strip on your tongue and allow it to dissolve.

When to consume?

The most ideal time is to consume 20 minutes before going to bed..

100% Bioavailable
Clinically Proven
Zero Sugar
No Preservatives
No Gluten, Soy, Nuts

Catch some Zzzs

Have trouble falling asleep? Can’t manage eight hours of deep sleep? Wake up feeling tired and feel lethargic throughout the day? Not anymore. melts™ Restful Sleep is everything you need to get a good night’s deep sleep rest!

Pick it up if you:

  • An erratic work schedule
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Trouble staying asleep
  • Frequent jetlags
  • Insomnia

Small Strip. Big Benefits.

Sleep like a baby with 100% plant-based ingredients that work in synergy

Melatonin – The Sleep Hormone
The first 100% plant-based melatonin made from Oryza Sativa (Asian Rice), Medicago Sativa (Alfalfa) & Chlorella Pyrenoidosa. Triggered by the light-dark cycle, our body’s natural clock generates signals that either keep us awake and alert or initiate the production of melatonin – the sleep hormone. Synthesised by the pineal gland, melatonin promotes sleep, and then keeps transmitting signals that help us stay asleep through the night.
Vitamin B6
There’s a strong correlation between sleep problems and depression, and the lack of vitamin B6 has been linked to symptoms of both. Sourced from Nutritional Yeast, Vitamin B6 aids in the production of the hormones melatonin and serotonin, both of which are important for a restful sleep and also the mood.
Passion Flower
Predominantly found in South America, passionflower is a natural source of GABA and has proved effective in treating anxiety and insomnia.
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid
Gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA is a naturally produced amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter to the brain. It blocks certain signals to the brain and decreases activity in the nervous system, thereby spreading a calming effect.
Found in both green and black tea, L-theanine has been shown to reduce the resting heart rate and thereby promote relaxation. Ours is a 100% pure L-isomer-theanine (amino acid) that’s made via a patented process to help alleviate stress and anxiety, reduce brain activity and lower the sensitivity of our nerves to external stressors, which leads to better sleep quality and more restful sleep.
An amino acid produced by our body, 5-HTP aids in the production of serotonin. GABA is a chemical messenger that promotes relaxation and combining it with 5-HTP has a synergistic effect. The combination has proved to significantly reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, to increase sleep duration, and to improve sleep quality.
Valerian Root
Found in both green and black tea, L-theanine has been shown to reduce the resting heart rate and thereby promote relaxation. Ours is a 100% pure L-isomer-theanine (amino acid) that’s made via a patented process to help alleviate stress and anxiety, reduce brain activity and lower the sensitivity of our nerves to external stressors, which leads to better sleep quality and more restful sleep.
Extracted from the daisy-like flower consumed for centuries as a mild tranquiliser, the chemicals in this natural sleep aid have a calming effect on the brain – one that helps you relax, eases anxiety, and particularly improves the quality of sleep.

Tasty. Healthy. Revolutionary.

melts® are rapid dissolving nano strips that convert key plant-based extracts into nano particles. These strips ‘melt’ upon coming in contact with your tongue to ensure easy and complete absorption of all the goodness and nutrients in an extremely enjoyable and fun manner.

The Unison Effect