Mebo Scar Ointment 50gm

128.00 AED

Mebo Burn Fast Relief Pain Cream Skin Healing Ointment Wound & Scar Marks Care. It is a naturally occurring treatment of medicinal plants that have an active role in regenerating and maintaining skin cells. It is mainly made of 0.25% beta-cystosterol and contains sesame oil and honey wax. The components of the MEBO treatment create an environment that is not suitable for the growth of microbes such as bacteria or fungi and thus protect the affected area from inflammation.



  • Mebo Scar Ointment can flatten scars and recover your beautiful and healthy skin
  • This product can relieve symptoms on scar locations, such as scar skin hyperphasia, pruritus, skin chaps, and functional restriction
  • The functional component in Mebo Scar can restrain the hyperplasia of fibroblast cell, recover constitution and physiological function of normal skin, facilitate regeneration of sebaceous glands; reconstruct local physiological environment and therefore remove the scars on your body
  • Reduces after marks of burns and remove scar