Dentinox Infant Colic Drops 100ml

35.00 AED

Lots of babies suffer from colic at one time or another. Whether they are bottle or breast fed they’re bound to take in a certain amount of air when they feed. This can build up in a baby’s immature digestive system and cause distressing pain. Dentinox Infant Colic Drops have been specially composed for providing complete relief from the pain and discomfort caused by colic, gripe and wind caused by trapped air in babies and young children.




  • Effectively relieves the griping and discomfort caused by infant colic
  • Comes along syringe for accurate dosing
  • Pleasant tasting liquid, thick and cloudy white in appearance
  • Drops are free from alcohol, lactose, gluten and aspartame

How to use

  • Give baby the drops with or after each feed
  • Shake the bottle before every use
  • Use one 2.5ml measured dose of liquid solution
  • After use, rinse syringe carefully with warm water and dry it
  • Avoid giving more than 6 doses in a day